July 2024

There was a great turnout of 52 entries this month, including visitors, which included a party from Old Woking Gun Club – perhaps we should try and arrange a home and away fixture?

The weather was kind to most of us for the July shoot but Andy, Matt, Stuart, Chris and Des unfortunately got wet whilst setting up first thing on Sunday. Andy had to modify his planned layout to avoid sheep and electric fences meaning that a couple of the stands were towards the sun, making a couple of the targets harder to see. One stand that was definitely not affected by the sun was the varied sequence which seemed to be enjoyed by all – well done Andy for another interesting variation. Some people also struggled with the long crossing stand but again they were great targets and a chance to practice and improve.
The scores were predictably a little lower than average. High gun and the only score over 50 was Chris Samuel topping B Class with 51.  Great shooting Chris!
Top of AA was Jason Stredwick with 49, just ahead of Kevin Scarlett on 48. Andy Willett did have time to shoot this month and scored 49 to win A class from Matt Oldland on countback. Nigel Foreman was also close behind on 48 and Peter Garland won C with 40.

Thanks to all the helpers including Matt, Stuart and Glen who turn up and help with the planning on Saturdays as well as staying to the end to help clear up on Sunday afternoon and practice their trailer reversing skills.

Skeet practice continues at NCSC Bisley on Wednesday evenings from 5pm to 7pm.

Team event
The Surrey Police Clay Pigeon Shoot is being held at Bisley Shooting Ground on Wednesday 21 st August. This is a team event where we can have multiple people entered with just the six best scores to count so if you would like to be included in the team please let Andy or Peter know. It is a 100 target competition and entry fee is £50.

AAStredwick, J49
Scarlett, K48
Clark, C45
Faulkner, J44
AWillett, A49 (c/b)Ron Small
Oldland, M49
Foreman, N48
Warrington, R47
Collins, M43
Horrod, J42
Saich, Peter40
Park, D38
BSamuel, C51Ron Small
Evans, G44
Wiggins, A43
Blackwell, A43
Sollick, J41
Hebburn, N41
Parish, I39
Hargreaves, I38
Flanders, C33
Martin, J30
Hughes, J24
CGarland, P40Roy Stock
Keane, S37
Spooner, P35
Turner, R35
Hulme, S34
Winter, G33
Warsop, L (L)31
Webb, J31
Oakford, J28
Oakford, O (J)24
Nettle, J22