November 2023

28 members and 9 guests took part in our 60 bird shoot this month, on a varied layout over 6 stands. Breezy changeable conditions added a little extra challenge and early on the low sun made a few of the stands interesting but the sun soon disappeared behind the forecast cloud.

Alongside the regular monthly trophy shoot was a side-by-side competition for the Surrey CPSA title and Webley & Scott trophy for non-Surrey-CPSA shooters.

The Surrey CPSA winner was Chip Smith on 49, with James Faulkner a close runner up with a fine 48. The Webley & Scott trophy winner was Aaron Wiggins who scored 40.

In the regular shoot this month, C class was won on his first shoot as a member with a score of 42 by James Oakford, who only joined this month along with his young son Otis. Welcome both!
Runner up in C class was John Webb with 36. B Class winner was Chris Samuel with an excellent 52, with Peter Garland runner up on a personal best 48. A class honours went to James Horrod with a very good 54, ahead of runner up Rick Warrington on 51.
Non-trophy AA class top score of 55 was by Andy Willett with Kevin Scarlett runner up on 52.
Thanks go to everyone involved in setting up, running the shoot and packing away at the end.

AAWillett, A55
Scarlett, K52
Park, D49
Wells, A45
Oldland, M43
Saich, Peter42
AHorrod, J54Jack Page
Memorial Cup
Warrington, R51
Faulkner, J48
Clark, C46
Stredwick, J46
Hargreaves, I44
Wells, C44
Wiggins, A40
BSamuel, C52Shelton
Garland, P48
Flanders, C45
Watson, J43
Hughes, J42
Parish, I40
Turner, R37
Hulme, S24
COakford, J42Last Chance
Webb, J36
Nettle, J23
Warsop, L (L)23
Oakford, O (J)15
Surrey CPSAChip Smith 49
James Faulkner48
Peter Saich42
Douglas Millard32
Non Surrey – Aaron Wiggins 40
Webley & Scott